

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I started at 6.45am, could have started earlier only if I was not hunting for a Video controller driver on the Net, to complete the repairs of my computer. Its still not resolved and I will need to take help from a expert at work to find the driver and install it.

I surprisingly managed to complete my 20km run in a little over 1hr 57minutes, it was lot faster than my week before run, on the same path. Which definitely tells me that I need to start earlier, so next week should see me running at 6.30am. I also checked with my coffee shop fellow to find out the exact time that he opens, to my surprise he mentioned that he is suppose to open at 9am, but he usually opens on Sundays after 8am, and definitely by 8.30am. So I am now more than ok with an early start. There are also a lot of other benefits, which I realised only today. The traffic on the roads is significantly reduced, fewer people outside (so one can comfortably run in one straight line), less sun (I can wear my sun glasses half an hour after my start) & friendlier people in better spirits. The only problem is a significantly higher people traffic around my 1.2km track, as everybody is trying to beat the heat.

I have been roughly doing 20kms each for the last three weeks, so it time to step it up, will try and do an additional 3kms on next Sunday.


beanz said...

that's a great result - and getting up earlier next week too :>))

sandhu said...

Hi Girish,

Believe me your sunday run has become
my personal benchmark to get on( as soon as I can get my shin/calf muscles attuned tomy plans).

Tks for the mail and info, but as you advised GTM looks like too many ifs and buts.I think Thane half will be it for near future.

One question ,what is the rest of sunday like after the run..now that
you run regular..do you need to put your feet up or can you operate normally ;).

Shruti said...

Hi Girish,
Practise makes the man perfect.
Thanks for ur comment..
Take care..

@GirishMallya said...

Thanks Beanz, hope to keep it up. And yes, I did stretch after the run. But the thigh strain does not seem to go away..

@GirishMallya said...

Thanks Sandhu for the kind words. Am sure you will do a lot better with time, marathon is all about patience....
Rest of Sunday is like any other day, catching up with friends, going for a movie. Am able to have a normal day after a 20km run (can actually go for a swim in the evening if required). Just a question of body getting used to the punishment... you will do the same in sometime.

@GirishMallya said...

Thanks Shruti for coming again. You still have not answered my question, on how you manage to have 50+ comments on each of your posts. Its super stuff... keep up the great work.

Shruti said...

hmm, thats something typical question to answer, its what people look for is good stuff, or you can say you have to be regular with blogs. and the links which i posted there is just that when ever i found somewhere something new i try it experimenting and it feels good whenever i saw my statistics, also encourages me to put more useful and meaningful stuff.
It just like that.
Take care..

@GirishMallya said...

Am happy to see that you came back to answer on my blog, appreciate it. I am in the print publishing business, but am yet to figure out things that I need to do on my blog to make it more meaningful, relevant and useful.